Transform learning through DARS AI

Learn Smart

Welcome to DARS, the pinnacle of barista education. Our revolutionary software, in synergy with Apple Vision Pro glasses, utilizes virtual reality and AI to redefine traditional training. DARS eliminates the need for costly one-on-one sessions, providing standardized instructions for consistent, high-quality beverage creation. Accelerating the learning process, DARS offers hands-on training with visual cues, allowing baristas to enhance their skills seamlessly while maintaining top-notch customer service. Elevate your craft with DARS and Apple Vision Pro glasses—an unparalleled blend of innovation and expertise.

Brew Mastery

The system includes an extensive library of coffee and beverage recipes, from basic espresso drinks to complex specialty beverages. Each recipe is broken down into detailed steps, ensuring that trainees grasp the entire preparation process.

Training Model

DARS aims to provide comprehensive training to aspiring baristas and improve the skills of existing ones. Our project offers a visually immersive experience, allowing trainees to see the steps and movements they need to perform in real-time as they physically go through the process.

Learning Concept

The system follows each movement precisely and if needed provides detailed corrections instantly. In that way it prevents the barista from learning the movement incorrectly and having to improve it later which is more difficult.

Learn with gestures

Using latest virtual reality technology

Create custom gestures

Pinch to rotate

Manipulate objects

Tap to select


Traditional barista training can be expensive, involving long hands-on instruction. DARS reduces the need for one on one training, making it cost-effective.
With standardized instructions, DARS ensures that all baristas follow the same techniques, leading to consistent and high-quality beverages.
DARS accelerates the learning process by providing hands-on training with visual cues, enabling trainees to grasp complex techniques more quickly.
Baristas can use DARS to enhance their skills seamlessly. Practice between all tasks, advancing expertise without affecting customer service.

DARS Barista Performance Analytics

DARS introduces a cutting-edge VR barista learning model, ensuring employees receive immersive and personalized training. Real-time analytics provide insights into each employee’s progress, measuring success rates and pinpointing areas for improvement.

DARS and Apple Vision Pro

Introducing DARS, a software revolutionizing barista training by seamlessly integrating with Apple Vision Pro glasses. 

With DARS, baristas can step into the world of virtual reality to master the art of coffee-making.Immerse yourself in a simulated cafe environment where every step, from grinding beans to perfecting latte art, is brought to life through the lens of Apple Vision Pro glasses, ensuring an unparalleled and immersive learning experience for coffee enthusiasts and professionals alike. 

Elevate your barista skills with DARS and Apple Vision Pro glasses, where innovation meets expertise in the realm of coffee craftsmanship.

Welcome to the era of spatial computing

You’ve never seen everything like this before

Future of Learning

Immerse yourself in the art of coffee making with our revolutionary VR learning model. Elevate your brewing skills and savor the perfect cup, blending technology and tradition seamlessly. Because in this virtual realm, every coffee experience is a journey, and every sip, a celebration. Welcome to the future of coffee mastery – where innovation meets the aroma of excellence.

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